What is Bipolar Disorder?

What is bipolar disorder? The Mayo Clinic defines bipolar disorder as a mental health disorder that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs and lows. These highs are referred to as “mania.” The lows are referred to as “depression.” Patients with this disorder can oscillate between these highs and low with great intensity or may notice a slow shift over time. During periods of mania, patients may experience symptoms such as feeling jumpy or wired, increased energy or agitation, an exaggerated sense of well-being, a decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, distractibility, and increased risk taking. During periods of depression, symptoms may include depressed mood, lack of interest in activities, sleep disturbance, slowed behavior, difficulty with concentration, and suicidal ideation. Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health condition that often requires medication and mental health counseling services to manage. If you believe, you may be struggling with a mood disorder, reach out to a counselor today.

Melissa Auvine