What is Stress and What can I do About It?

Considering the enormous amount of demands that are placed on any individual at any given time, it makes sense that most of us identify as being “stressed out.” But what exactly is stress? The World Health Organization defines stress as any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain. Given that broad definition, almost anything could be considered stress inducing. What we know in the counseling world is that there are “good” stressors and “bad” stressors. “Good stressors” usually lead to self-growth and discovery. Whereas “bad” stressors usually cause mental and physical health difficulties. Left unchecked, “bad” stressors can cause anxiety and depression and long term “bad” stress can lead to physical conditions such as heart disease. The World Health Organization has several recommendations for managing stress including getting adequate sleep, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise, having a daily predictable routine, connecting with others, and minimizing exposure to news feeds. Additionally, connecting with a therapist is another means of learning coping skills that help reduce your stress response. If you feel “stressed out” and don’t know what to do, please connect with our therapist today!

Melissa Auvine